

Benefits of Honey - Glowing Skin, Healthier Hair & more..

Learn how to use honey to cure various ailments

beneifts of honey

The Sweet Golden Liquid

Nature has given us many wonderful blessings. Honey has an excellent medicinal value. We have been using honey since ancient times. It is essential to have honey in all homes where there are children. Honey can cure many diseases.

Honey is also commonly referred to as the 'friend of the stomach'. This is because it is used as a medicine for stomach and gallbladder related diseases. Pure honey contains 70 types of vitamins. Honey naturally contains a myriad of nutrients. But honey is one of the most contaminants. 

Honey collected from the trees in the mountains has herbal medicinal properties and is absorbed in the digestive tract when combined with medicinal products. Thus the drug mixes quickly in the bloodstream and begins to act.

Honey provides a range of health benefits. Raw honey, which comes straight from the beehive, contains healthful bee pollen, bee propolis, and plenty of antioxidants. 

Honey is used for skin care and many medicinal purposes as it is rich in healing properties and natural beneficial elements. Below is a list of various benefits of honey. Read it and use more honey from now on.

Honey  for skincare

Honey acts as a Natural Moisturizer.

Honey is your skin's best friend because it is a humectant, which means it attracts and retains moisture. Honey is nature's moisturizer and an effective moisturizer is essential to give your skin a healthy glow.

Honey as a Skin Care 

Natural honey contains  a range of compounds that act as antioxidants, including phytochemicals, flavonoids, and ascorbic acid. Honey is naturally antibacterial, so it's great for acne treatment and prevention. When honey is applied to the skin, it removes dead skin cells and protects the skin from wrinkles.

Honey has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties that inhibit bacterial growth. So it helps to heal cuts, abrasions and burns.

Honey cleanses wounds, prevents odor and pus, reduces pain and helps the wound to heal faster.

Honey repairs damaged skin and helps in the formation of new cells. It also corrects skin inflammation and skin problems.

Anti-fungal properties of honey can cure skin diseases like eczema and scabies.

Honey, which protects the skin from the sun, is naturally rich in antioxidants. These protect the skin from UV rays.

Honey penetrates the top layer of the skin, penetrates into the particles and cleanses the skin by removing impurities. Thus providing relief from infections and acne problems.

Mix honey with milk , it helps in replenishing the skin and gives more elasticity making the skin look glowing and youthful.

Improves Eyesight

In today's Digital world, we spend most our time in front of a screen taking a toll on our eyes and especially our children who  are at risk of losing their eyesight. Many also have visual impairment. 
Mix honey with carrot juice and add it to the diet. This will vastly improve eyesight.

Honey as Haircare 

Egg is rich in protein and vitamins that are essential for the hair. This is the reason why egg is regarded as one of the best hair masks, while honey helps in softening the hair and giving it shine.


2 1/2 Tbsp coconut oil or olive oil

3 Tbsp honey (preferably organic)

2 eggs


Beat the eggs and the oil together, then slowly add honey and mix well. Keep your hair covered with a towel or a shower cap for about 60 minutes and then rinse your hair with any shampoo that will get rid of the egg smell or any excess oil from your hair, leaving you with extremely soft, shiny and strong tresses.


Several studies have suggested that honey may be as or more effective than some over-the-counter (OTC) cough medicines. Many cough medicines are not safe for younger children to take, so honey may be a good alternative for children over one year of age. 

Mix ginger juice with the right amount of honey to get rid of chronic colds and coughs. Adding  ginger with a little honey daily can also get rid of bronchial problem.

Burns and Wounds

Honey is high in antioxidants so it helps us fight bacteria. It also helps fight germs. It helps to remove the abrasions and burns. Honey is acidic, which helps release oxygen from the wound and promote healing.
Apply raw honey directly to minor cuts and burns then place gauze or a bandage over the wound.


Grind half a gram of Black Pepper, add it to the Honey and mix it with ginger juice and drink it to get rid of asthma.

Blood Pressure

Mixing one teaspoon of garlic juice with two teaspoons of honey will normalize our blood pressure. So it is good for our body to drink it daily in the morning and evening.

Some other Benefits of taking Honey

Taking honey daily will boost our immunity.
The vitamins in it helps to lower our cholesterol.
Taking honey in the morning and evening will get rid of fatigue.
Drinking honey daily will fight any infections in our respiratory tract.
Quickly digests and relieves constipation.

If children drink honey daily, the amount of calcium and magnesium will increase and they will get good strength.

Honey can be used to cure eye diseases and skin diseases. Eating honey mixed with onion juice brightens the eyesight.

Mix lemon juice with lukewarm water and drink honey to cure diseases like vomiting, nausea, colds and headaches.

Glucose in honey dilates small blood vessels and regulates blood flow. This will prevent damage to the heart.

Honey is the best medicine for joint pain. Rub well on the painful area. 

Soak ginger and seeded peppers with honey and eat it to increase immunity.

Honey is a wonderful medicine for insomnia.

Heart disease can be cured by consuming equal amount of honey and pomegranate juice daily.

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