

Prevent Hair Loss & Regrow your lost Hair using Black Seed.

Prevent Hair Loss & Regrow your lost Hair using Black Seed.

“Invest in your Hair; it’s the Crown you never take off.”

Black Seed Hair Loss

Hair loss is a nasty thing. And the process is gruesome. Improper hair care, poor diet and excessive use of chemicals can causes serious damage to the hair and health overall leading to hair loss, dandruff, baldness and gray hair.

Sometimes looking for a quick fix we tend to spend too much on products and forget what the Nature has to offer us. Though the process is slow the results are positive. Natural herbs can solve many of the Hair related problems you might be facing right now.  Black Seed oil is a powerful medicine for Hair Loss and also an immune booster.

Black Seed Oil can solve all kinds of hair problems and facial problems. The nutrients and minerals in these are the reason for its glory.

Regrow lost hair

Try this tip to make the hair grow back on the bald spot.


1 tsp Olive Oil
2 tsp Black Seed Oil
1 tsp Castor Oil

Method of preparation;
First mix the olive oil with the black seed oil. Next mix castor oil with these and apply on the scalp and after 30 minutes take a shower. Doing this twice a week will help the hair to grow back faster at the bald spot.

Prevent Hair Loss & Grow thicker and shinier Hair

This tip will help you to prevent hair loss and enhances hair growth.
Ingredients for this ...
Coconut oil 1 tsp
Black Seed Oil 2 tsp
Olive Oil 1 1/2 tsp
Castor Oil 1 tsp
Honey 1 tsp
Lemon Juice 1 tsp

Preparation Method

First mix all the above oils one after the other well. Next mix honey and lemon juice with this at the end and apply on the hair roots. After 20 minutes, apply a good shampoo to the scalp. Doing this once a week will make the hair grow faster.

Black Seed is one of the Nature's best remedies for many ailments and illness and a natural immune booster.


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